Monday, May 21, 2018

Planning Trips, Part 4, An Actual Planning Sessions

I was looking through old pictures and video about my visits to Cass Scenic Railroad, in WVA. I decided to plan a trip (by car) to Cass. My first step is to go to Google Maps and layout the first leg of the trip, obviously Home to Cass:

The layout of this trip, gives various intermediate destinations: train watching in Roanoke, VA, Lynchburg, VA (my parents home town and mother's grave). But first, let us add another destination. It would be hard to come this far north and this far west with out going by the other great Mecca of railfans: Horseshoe Curve and Altoona. So let's add that, shall we?

Altoona has a lot of railroad interest. going west we have horseshoe curve. We will add some interesting detail, later, but for now, one more destination and home. That would be Philadelphia. I had serveral ideas for that destination, and than home.

Next: add details and other stops.

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