Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 3, part 1: Tennesee Valley Railroad Musuem

About 35 years ago, I came to Chattanooga to take a steam excursion. The afternoon before the excursion, I was exploring and drove past the Lookout Mountain Incline RR. I didn't have time to take it and I had the excursion, the next day, so I put it off one more day. The morning, I was to take it, it was foggy. On this trip, my original plan to go up the incline, today. Yesterday was sunny. Guess what? This morning is (wait for it) foggy. Thank goodness I went to the top of Lookout Mountain, yesterday, when I arrived. However, my plan was to go up in the afternoon and maybe the fog will burn itself off before then.

First stop on my plan is the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum. I arrived early and was the first car in the parking lot. I took a look at the static display as I waited for the first excursion of the day.

The Norfolk Southern past by the Museum, There were a few freights passing and I would loved to videoed them but I was always in the wrong place. For instance, I was in the gift shop, getting my two patches, two styles, and my mug, when one came by.

Now is time for the excursion. In this case, because of the turntable, and the fact that the whole excursion would amount to an hour or so, I decided to ride, for a change. One note, I did not tour the shops but held back to video the reconnect of the engine for the return:

After the return, I waited for the next excursion, while having lunch. I saw it leave:

Note that there was a switching operation behind the train and I got a part of that, as well:

To be continued.

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