Friday, June 19, 2015

Vacation Planned and Scheduled

My next vacation, the primary part, is planned, the visit to Massachusetts and Connecticut. They  are set, within the normal parameters. Remembering that some changes can and might be made even after the trip begins. I am still tweaking the plans. First, I looked at alternatives coming home and realized that a side trip would work. On my way home I planned to watch and take in the Staten Island RR and Ferry and visit southern Manhattan.

The first change that I am considering might be a side trip to Lynchburg, VA. Lynchburg is a family hometown. My parents are from there and we go back to the middle 19th century in Lynchburg. When my mother died, two years ago, she was buried there. I have haven't been back since, so I would love to go by, an visit her grave site. I don't have any other family there, at present but I can drive by the grandparents old homes. A look a the maps, allowing for an overnight, this change route is only an hour and half side trip.

Another variation that I am thinking about is to leave a half day early and spend some time watching the streetcars in Philadelphia. The break in the northbound trip makes that a good option. I worked out the feasibility and I can even see SEPTA at the Airport.

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