Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wilmington, NC, Conference side trip

It is not something that I try to do, mixing business with pleasure. I would never get a souvenir from a business location. Sometimes there is a side trip that requires a souvenir, such as a convention I took to southwest Virginia. A part of that convention was a side trip to the Barter Theater, thus a mug for the theater.

Wilmington was the most recent convention. The convention center was in what was the part of Wilmington where the dock were and the ACL yards. The yards moved to south of the River and all that is left is the old office and one warehouse. One has been converted to one part of a general convention center and the other is now the Wilmington RR Museum. It is basically like most small railroad museums, with a caboose and engine. Inside there are good displays including an old ticket window. The highlights are the model railroads, inside.

The most noted landmark in Wilmington, is the USS North Carolina. I remember visiting it while in school. I have several postcards in my collection of the ship. I had an afternoon so I took a drive by to look at it.

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