Friday, March 18, 2011

A New Toy

I have a new toy, a new DSLR. One advice that I would give to anyone traveling, is never travel with a new camera. Give some time and action to a new camera, video, or smartphone before heading off with it on a trip. Being where you want to use it, is no place to learn about it.

Some years ago, I was on a tour of the Middle East. A fellow traveler stopped me to ask "how do I change film in this camera." That is the extreme in new camera blues. You should, at least, know how to change film, memory card, or batteries. Being on the road and having to any of these is most difficult to do. And by all means, carry the instruction manual.

Even with a bit of time to "play with your new toy" there are things that require time to learn adequately and know limitations. I bought my first camcorder before a overseas trip. I intent was to video the trip. I took plenty of time to learn all the operation, before leaving. However, even knowing how to operate your "toy," there is the question of how will you use it.

My new camera has a video function. Here adds questions as how that will be used. Only time will tell. Will video be a standard or just a unused possibility. Do I use the video or keep a separated dedicated video camera? I am thinking about getting a new camcorder. My thought is to wait until I run out of disk for recording.

I first work with my new camera's video. at the Hamlet station and crossing:

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